How to move the JChem Cartridge server to another host

ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

15-04-2011 15:11:45

I have a two-host JChem Cartridge installation and I would like to move the computation server from host db-0214 to host db-0213. How do I do it?

The following should work:

1. Zip up the jchem directory (including subdirectories) on the
current JChem Server host (db-0214).

2. Unzip it on the new JChem Server host (db-0213).

3. Change the value of the property in
the jchem/cartridge/conf/ from db-0214 to

4. Start the JChem Cartridge server on its new host (db-0213).

5. Change the value of the rmi.server.1 property in
JC_IDX_PROPERTY in the JChem owner's schema from db-0214:1099
to db-0213:1099. (I am assuming that the jchem.server.port
property in jchem/cartridge/conf/ is set to the
default value of 1099. If it is not, replace the port part of the
new rmi.server.1 value property in the JC_IDX_PROPERTY
table accordingly.)

6. Force your applications which use JChem Cartridge to start using
fresh database connections for their JChem Cartridge calls. New
connections are supposed to use the new rmi.server.1 value
from the database.

7. Once all applications that are clients to JChem Cartridge started
to use new connections for their work, it is safe to stop the old
JChem Server.