User 447e36cf40
13-01-2011 16:02:08
I am tryng to loop through a resultset with more than 5000 cd_id (the number of cd_id is dynamic)and it is taking a lot of time. Is there any other alternative like a Jchem api which I can call and pass the resultset with cd_id for looping.
ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf
13-01-2011 17:17:09
User 447e36cf40
14-01-2011 19:31:16
Thank you for the information. I think i havnt explained my question clearly.
I am implementing substructure search.I have used Jchem search method to do a sub structure search against the structure table, This method returns all the Cd_id's that match the structure drawn. I have more tables releated to the structure table. I have to get information from these tables for the cd_id's that match my structure. Please advise how this can be done? Thanks again!
ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf
14-01-2011 20:03:17
Though I'm still not sure if I understand the problem fully, I assume the following:
1. You execute a search with JChemSearch which returns cd_id values and - I guess no speed problem here ?
2. You execute SQL queries to fetch related data for each result, e.g. 5000 SELECTS - and this is slow ?
For #2 I would recommend re-using a PreparedStatement 5000 times instead of executing 5000 different Statements :
We do not have any special API for this.
User 447e36cf40
18-01-2011 18:43:39
Thanks for quick response.
After I draw a structure in Marvin sketch and do a Jchem search I am getting an array of cd_id. I have to find how supplier have how many compounds from the array for that I have to loop through the array of cd_id and find the matching cd_id & supplier_id from a table with million records.
So if i get 5000 cd_id in array so instead of looping through the array of cd_id and table(million records) is there any other way to do?
ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf
18-01-2011 21:16:26