Installation Errors - WARNING: Couldn't flush system prefs

User 80ebabcb4a

17-12-2010 18:33:46

While installing the JChem 5.2.6, the installer hangs and outputs "WARNING: Couldn't flush system prefs: java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException:
/etc/.java/.systemPrefs/com" repeatedly to the console which launched the installer.

It is not possible to close the installer without terminating the xWindows session and killing the process from a new session.

The same thing happened when attempting again.

The GUI displays "Extracting files... doc/user/Fragmenter_files/stat1.png" - though I do not know if it stopped on the same file on the first attempt.

amrndhp005a 5.9 Generic_122300-41 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-15000

DB: Oracle
Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit

The installer was launched from the console ("./").

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

20-12-2010 13:57:44

Which Java version you have?

User 80ebabcb4a

20-12-2010 14:26:40

Tamas wrote:

Which Java version you have?


ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

20-12-2010 16:00:33

The warning is invoked inside Install4j (the Java installer build tool).

It can be a platform specific issue because I could not reproduce it under another platform (64bit Ubuntu Linux 10.10, JRE 1.6.0_23). 

On the internet, there are several hints about this Java issue. I assume the following bug report describes the same problem.

Installation: BackingStoreException:

It seems to be a write permission issue. The user who lunched the installer did not have write permission for the /etc/.java/.systemPrefs directory.

I recommend to run installer with admin rights.

If it does not help, use the platform independent version of JChem installer.

User 80ebabcb4a

21-12-2010 11:31:20


We've got past the initial problem, but it is now hanging on the Marvin Beans installer.

Which is the "platform independent version of JChem installer"?

We have and jchem-5_2-06-windows.exe - is the linux one the correct version for Solaris on SPARC?

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

21-12-2010 13:41:19

The Marvin Beans installer that is bundled with JChem installer is the same that you can download separately from the site:

If you meet the same problem in Marvin Beans installer than in the JChem installer, running it in admin mode can also solve the problem.

The  "linux installer" is recommended for all unix like platforms (Solaris too). If the platform specific installer does not work, we recommend the usage of the zip version:

The zip version includes the full package that is wrapped in the linux installer too. While the linux installer configures everything automatically for running applications, at the zip version, you have to do it manually (if it is necessary). The additional feature in "linux installer"  are the automatic detection of JRE for the scripts and the desktop/menu launchers for the applications. So the linux installer can be useful for "lazy users" who do not want type a lot in the console. :-)

If you chose linux installer with bundled Java, you can also earn JRE installation. In this case, Marvin / JChem applications use the bundled Java, while other programs do not see this JRE.