User 8ef5099b33
15-12-2010 01:39:39
Hi Peter,
A couple of quick questions:
I set up a basic table called sampledata_jchem with the structure stored as a blob.
I created a jchem index on the structure field.
The following query works:
SELECT corpid FROM sampledata_jchem WHERE jc_compare(structure, 'Nc1ccccc1N', 't:s')=1
This query does not work:
SELECT corpid FROM sampledata_jchem WHERE jc_contains(structure, 'Nc1ccccc1N')=1;
Here is the error:
ORA-29900: operator binding does not exist
ORA-06553: PLS-306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'JC_CONTAINS'
29900. 00000 - "operator binding does not exist"
*Cause: There is no binding for the current usage of the operator.
*Action: Change the operator arguments to match any of the existing
bindings or add a new binding to the operator.
Error at Line: 34 Column: 42
This query also does not work:
select corpid, jc_molconvert(structure, 'smiles') from sampledata_jchem where corpid = 'DS-000124';
ORA-29900: operator binding does not exist
ORA-06553: PLS-306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'JC_MOLCONVERT'
29900. 00000 - "operator binding does not exist"
*Cause: There is no binding for the current usage of the operator.
*Action: Change the operator arguments to match any of the existing
bindings or add a new binding to the operator.
Error at Line: 36 Column: 15
What is the correct syntax?
Thanks for the help.
select jchem_core_pkg.getenvironment() from dual;
Oracle environment:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
JChem Server environment:
Java VM vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
Java version: 1.6.0_18
Java VM version: 16.0-b13
JChem version: 5.3.8
JChem Index version: 5030300
JDBC driver version: