JChem Manager

User d032b79802

25-10-2010 07:57:14

JChem Manager 5.3.5

JVM: 1.6.0_21

Windows XP 5.1

Excel 2003 SP3

Access 2003 SP3 (Access 2000 file format)

Problem when importing .sdf or .mrv files into Access with the cd_structure column. In each row "Long binary data" is stated. With a double click on a cell the following information pops up:

A problem occured while Microsoft Office Access was communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX Control.

Close Ole server and restart it outside of microsoft Office Access etc.

The rest of the columns are correctly filled.

The same problem arises on a Access 2007 software.

Thanks in advance,


ChemAxon e274e1bada

26-10-2010 22:34:42


We will try to reproduce the problem and we will respond soon.
Could you try to resolve the data from the database with JChemForExcel, or any other JChem tool?

Regards, Edvard

User d032b79802

29-10-2010 17:37:50

Hi Edvard,

I tried to copy/paste the picture which was generated from a chemical structure with the "To Marvin Ole Shape" button in JC4Excel into a column as OLE Object in an access DB. This is working fine.

Until now I have nothing found working automatically (VBA etc). I can copy the embedded file into a cell in another sheet with VBA in excel, but not into the access DB.




ChemAxon e274e1bada

11-11-2010 06:58:06


I tried to reproduce the problem, and it seems to be all JChem functionalities was working fine. Structures can be stored in the database, and it is possible to resolve the data with the JChem Search.

I see, MS Access cannot show the Longbinary fields in the table view, but mabe there is a tool in the MS Access 2003 or MS Access 2007 to extract that fields. Another solution would be if you try to export the table data to a text based format (e.g. CSV)

Also you can change the fieldType of cd_structure from Longbinary to Longchar in table creation with JChem Manager.
See the admin guide: http://www.chemaxon.com/jchem/doc/admin/#create

Regards, Edvard