WAR file

User 97fda45e93

21-07-2010 15:13:15

Are there are war files for jchem suitable for importing into eclipse? I've had a look and can't find any.

User c1ce6b3d19

23-07-2010 11:00:14



There are no war files of JChem Code.  If you would like to include ChemAxon java class files into your application or web application, you can find then in the jar files. 



User c1ce6b3d19

23-07-2010 11:15:27


For example, if you are want to add JChem functionality to your application, you should add these classes to the Eclipse development environment. 

Find the appropriate jars (Java ARchive) files inside of the lib directory of the JChem download.  Add these to the library build path of a new or existing eclipse project. 

Generally these jars will start with the name jchem or marvin, but you may need others. 
