Linux user with no GUI available. How do I connect to DB?

User c91b2283c1

18-02-2010 18:52:50

Hi, I am using JChem on a Linux system with no GUI.

Traditionally, connections are established using the following method:

This method is unavailable to me. I suspect that I will need to instead manually create the .jchem file. Is this correct? If so, how can I go about doing this?

Also, please see my unnanswered questions here as they are all interrelated:

Thanks for your help,

-John David

User c91b2283c1

18-02-2010 19:30:53

I discovered a solution:

While inspecting the output created by jcman -h, I noticed a section that allowed me to pass in database connection parameters:

Options (general):
-h --help                  this help message
   --driver <JDBC driver>  the JDBC driver to use
   --dburl <url>           the database URL to connect
   --proptable <table>     the name of property table
-l --login <login>         login name
-p --password <password>   password
-s --saveconf              save settings into

I was able to create .jchem entries using the following command:

./jcman t --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver --dburl jdbc:mysql://localhost/mydbname --login mylogin --password mypassword -s

You may want to update your documentation for to discuss this alternate way of specifying a connection and the documentation in to provide the full listing generated when jcman -h is run.

ChemAxon ebbce65bcf

19-02-2010 12:17:03

Thanks for your suggestion, we are considering to emphasize the details of this case more in the documentation.



ChemAxon ebbce65bcf

19-02-2010 15:27:07

We just realized that some parts of the command line jcman documentation had been hidden under Firefox. I suppose you used this type of browser, that's why you couldn't see the connection options you were looking for. We have fixed the issue for now. Many thanks for your help to discover it and sorry for this inconvenience.
