User f698d0529d
06-05-2005 16:24:02
Hi - I’ve got a problem, and I am out of ideas and would like some help.
We have successfully used your Jchem cartridge before here at EvotecOAI, but I can’t get it to work at the moment. Thanks - Mark Reddin.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon)
Kernel 2.4.21-4.ELsmp on an i686
Oracle version 10.1.0
Apache Tomcat/4.1.30
JChem version: 3.0.8
JChem Streams version: 3.0.8 seems to work when passing the credentials of the user.
The problem is that when I try to create an index on a SMILES field of a table, it fails..
The error which comes back varies between these two
ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: the Permission ( uksap12 resolve) has not been granted to EOAIACD_V15. The PL/SQL to grant this is dbms_java.grant_permission( 'EOAIACD_V15', '', 'uksap12', 'resolve' )
ORA-06512: at "JCHEM.JCHEM_CORE_PKG", line 41
ORA-06512: at "JCHEM.JC_IDXTYPE_IM", line 16
ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: java.lang.Exception: The following exception has been thrown by the servlet:
Exception: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
ORA-06512: at "JCHEM.JCHEM_CORE_PKG", line 41
ORA-06512: at "JCHEM.JC_IDXTYPE_IM", line 16
I try what it suggests, connected as sys, namely
call dbms_java.grant_permission( 'EOAIACD_V15', '', 'uksap12', 'resolve' );
Although it reports back saying “method called”, it does not make any difference
Tomcat is running on port 8089, so I have also tried replacing ‘uksap12’ with ‘serverip:8089’, ‘servername:8089’, ‘localhost:8089’ and ‘’ to no avail.
Something simple seems to be amiss, because I can connect as the Jchem user, and create a table with a smiles field, and index this with no problems.
In terms of what I granted to the user, I did this (I pulled it out with the following SQL)
select 'grant execute on ' || a.OBJECT_NAME || ' to eoaiacd_v15;' from all_objects a where lower(a.OWNER) = 'jchem' and a.OBJECT_TYPE in
grant execute on JCHEM_REFCUR_PKG to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCHEM_CORE_PKG to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCHEM_MISC_PKG to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on RESARRAY to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on CONTAINS_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on EQUALS_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on EVALUATE_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on COMPARE_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on MATCHCOUNT_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on TANIMOTO_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on DISSIMILARITY_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on LOGP_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on LOGD_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on PKA_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on TPSA_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on MOLWEIGHT_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on FORMULA_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on MOLCONVERT_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on MOLCONVERTB_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on TRANSFORM_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on REACT_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on FORMULA_FUNC_EQ to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_INSERT to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_UPDATE to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_DELETE to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_SET_DEFAULT_PROPERTY to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on USER_DEF_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on CD_ID_ARRAY to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on RIDARRAY to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on MOLPROPS_ARRAY to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on MOLPROPS_ARRAY_ARRAY to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_IDXTYPE_IM to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_CONTAINS to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_EQUALS to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_COMPARE to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_EVALUATE to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_MATCHCOUNT to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_TANIMOTO to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_DISSIMILARITY to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_LOGP to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_LOGD to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_PKA to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_TPSA to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_CONTAINS to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_EQUALS to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_EVALUATE to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_COMPARE to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_MATCHCOUNT to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_TANIMOTO to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_DISSIMILARITY to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_MOLWEIGHT to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_FORMULA to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_MOLCONVERT to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_MOLCONVERTB to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_TRANSFORM to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_REACT to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_FORMULA_EQ to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_MOLWEIGHT to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_FORMULA to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_MOLCONVERT to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_MOLCONVERTB to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_FORMULA_EQ to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_REACT to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_TRANSFORM to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_IDXTYPE to eoaiacd_v15;
and I used a similar script to create local synonyms for Jchem objects in the eoaiacd_v15 schema.
We have successfully used your Jchem cartridge before here at EvotecOAI, but I can’t get it to work at the moment. Thanks - Mark Reddin.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon)
Kernel 2.4.21-4.ELsmp on an i686
Oracle version 10.1.0
Apache Tomcat/4.1.30
JChem version: 3.0.8
JChem Streams version: 3.0.8 seems to work when passing the credentials of the user.
The problem is that when I try to create an index on a SMILES field of a table, it fails..
The error which comes back varies between these two
ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: the Permission ( uksap12 resolve) has not been granted to EOAIACD_V15. The PL/SQL to grant this is dbms_java.grant_permission( 'EOAIACD_V15', '', 'uksap12', 'resolve' )
ORA-06512: at "JCHEM.JCHEM_CORE_PKG", line 41
ORA-06512: at "JCHEM.JC_IDXTYPE_IM", line 16
ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: java.lang.Exception: The following exception has been thrown by the servlet:
Exception: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
ORA-06512: at "JCHEM.JCHEM_CORE_PKG", line 41
ORA-06512: at "JCHEM.JC_IDXTYPE_IM", line 16
I try what it suggests, connected as sys, namely
call dbms_java.grant_permission( 'EOAIACD_V15', '', 'uksap12', 'resolve' );
Although it reports back saying “method called”, it does not make any difference
Tomcat is running on port 8089, so I have also tried replacing ‘uksap12’ with ‘serverip:8089’, ‘servername:8089’, ‘localhost:8089’ and ‘’ to no avail.
Something simple seems to be amiss, because I can connect as the Jchem user, and create a table with a smiles field, and index this with no problems.
In terms of what I granted to the user, I did this (I pulled it out with the following SQL)
select 'grant execute on ' || a.OBJECT_NAME || ' to eoaiacd_v15;' from all_objects a where lower(a.OWNER) = 'jchem' and a.OBJECT_TYPE in
grant execute on JCHEM_REFCUR_PKG to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCHEM_CORE_PKG to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCHEM_MISC_PKG to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on RESARRAY to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on CONTAINS_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on EQUALS_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on EVALUATE_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on COMPARE_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on MATCHCOUNT_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on TANIMOTO_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on DISSIMILARITY_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on LOGP_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on LOGD_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on PKA_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on TPSA_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on MOLWEIGHT_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on FORMULA_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on MOLCONVERT_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on MOLCONVERTB_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on TRANSFORM_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on REACT_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on FORMULA_FUNC_EQ to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_INSERT to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_UPDATE to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_DELETE to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_SET_DEFAULT_PROPERTY to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on USER_DEF_FUNC to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on CD_ID_ARRAY to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on RIDARRAY to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on MOLPROPS_ARRAY to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on MOLPROPS_ARRAY_ARRAY to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_IDXTYPE_IM to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_CONTAINS to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_EQUALS to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_COMPARE to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_EVALUATE to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_MATCHCOUNT to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_TANIMOTO to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_DISSIMILARITY to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_LOGP to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_LOGD to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_PKA to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_TPSA to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_CONTAINS to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_EQUALS to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_EVALUATE to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_COMPARE to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_MATCHCOUNT to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_TANIMOTO to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_DISSIMILARITY to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_MOLWEIGHT to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_FORMULA to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_MOLCONVERT to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_MOLCONVERTB to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_TRANSFORM to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_REACT to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JCF_FORMULA_EQ to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_MOLWEIGHT to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_FORMULA to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_MOLCONVERT to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_MOLCONVERTB to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_FORMULA_EQ to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_REACT to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_TRANSFORM to eoaiacd_v15;
grant execute on JC_IDXTYPE to eoaiacd_v15;
and I used a similar script to create local synonyms for Jchem objects in the eoaiacd_v15 schema.