User cec0f3a823
03-11-2009 02:17:04
I am using jcman command line tool to load structures into JChem. I know I can add custom field values when importing smiles. But I could not find a way to indicate custom field values when import molecules from an sdf file.
I tried to set my custom field as a calculated value using field('property') and add my custom field value as a property in the sdf file. That did not work.
Is there a way to do that?
ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf
03-11-2009 23:36:06
An example how to connect SDF fields to DB fields during import:
jcman a mytable mystructures.sdf --connect "MOLNAME=NAME;PH=PH_VAL"
Have you tried something similar ?
If field name is identical to SDF field name it can be omitted, also from the help text:
--connect <connections> non-default SDFile and table field connections
(identical field names paired otherwise)
Have you tried something similar ?
It is not clear how did you add the data field to the SDF.
Please make sure it was done in a syntactically correct way (e.g. by opening the SDF in Marvin View (mview), the data fields should be visible)