User d6cf9f72e5
30-10-2009 08:18:13
Dear Support team,
I can't open the jchem manager in linux operating system.
I can open LibraryMCS , Metabolizer , Reactor, StandardizationEditor and Standardizer.
How can I do?
My Linux os version:Redhat AS 4 updata 8 i386 and JChem version 5.2.04
ChemAxon e274e1bada
30-10-2009 13:43:40
Hi Kenare,
how did you try to start the jcman? (from command line or with shortcut?)
Could you send me an error message or a stack trace?
Regards, Edvard
User d6cf9f72e5
02-11-2009 10:43:19
ebuki wrote: |
Hi Kenare,
how did you try to start the jcman? (from command line or with shortcut?) Could you send me an error message or a stack trace?
Regards, Edvard
Hi Edvard
Thanks for your support.
I've got no error message at all when use a command line mode, acturally nothing happened. The shortcut mod end up the same.
But I am running on a RedHat AS 4 Updata 8 Version , do you think that is the problem ? Because I can run the JChem Manager on RedHat 5.0
The ChemAxon 5_2_04 Version not support RedHat AS 4 ?
ChemAxon e274e1bada
02-11-2009 13:29:15
Hi Kenare,
JChem supports the RedHat AS 4 as well.
I need some additional information about your java version. Is it 32 or 64 bit version? We support only Sun Java, please check the output of java -version command.
Regards, Edvard
User d6cf9f72e5
03-11-2009 15:52:44
ebuki wrote: |
Hi Kenare,
JChem supports the RedHat AS 4 as well. I need some additional information about your java version. Is it 32 or 64 bit version? We support only Sun Java, please check the output of java -version command.
Regards, Edvard
Hi Edvard
I truly appreciate your support .
I installed Chemaxon on Redhat AS 4 updata 8 and 32bit version.
My Java is 1.4.2 version, Should I have to set the JAVA_HOME environment ?
Best regards,
ChemAxon e274e1bada
03-11-2009 17:47:40
My Java is 1.4.2 version, Should I have to set the JAVA_HOME environment ?
Java 1.5 is required for running JChem and Marvin from version 5.2. JAVA_HOME variable should be set as well. You can check the using java with the java -version from command line.
See the admin guide for all ot the requirements of JChem:
Regards, Edvard
User d6cf9f72e5
05-11-2009 15:45:40
Hi Edvard
Excuse me,Do you have open JChemManager interface on Linux Redhat AS 4 Updata 8 version?
I installed InstantJChem ,and I could open the InstantJChem interface on Linux Xwindwos.
I used java -version command.
[jchem@jchem ~]$ java -version
java version "1.4.2"
gcj (GCC) 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-11)
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Best Regards,
ChemAxon e274e1bada
05-11-2009 16:09:49
Hi Kenare,
according to results of 'java -version', you are using gjc java 1.4.2 but ChemAxon products support only Sun distributed Java version 1.5 or above. Please install a Sun distributed jre and set the JAVA_HOME variable and the system path to that.
ee the admin guide for all ot the requirements of JChem:
Regards, Edvard