cartridge install issue on Vista

ChemAxon 60ee1f1328

06-10-2009 22:43:38

and on windows vista same operation :

C:\Program Files\ChemAxon\JChem\cartridge>server.bat start

C:\Program Files\ChemAxon\JChem\cartridge>"C:\Program Files\ChemAxon\MarvinBeans
\jre\bin\java.exe" -server -Xrs -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -Dchemaxon.jchem.
cartridge.config.file="C:\Program Files\ChemAxon\JChem\cartridge\\conf\
perties" -Djava.util.logging.config.class=chemaxon.jchem.cartridge.util.LoggingC
onfigurator -Djava.awt.headless=true -classpath "C:\Program Files\ChemAxon\JChem
\lib\jchem.jar"  chemaxon.jchem.cartridge.server.Bootstrapper start
Error: no `server' JVM at `C:\Program Files\ChemAxon\MarvinBeans\jre\bin\server\

thanks for any help,



ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

07-10-2009 04:12:21

I have splitted this to a different topic (as obviously a different issue).

The JRE installed for MarvinBeans applications does not support "server" mode - which is just as well for GUI applications. By default Sun JRE installs only support the client mode.

(Please also note that this JRE is not inteded to be used publicly by other applications than Marvin Beans).


Please download and install an appropriate JDK (e.g. the latest 1.6 version),  JDKs also contain the server JRE. THen set the JAVA_HOME environment variable accordingly.


Best regards,



ChemAxon 60ee1f1328

07-10-2009 15:55:13

Thanks Szilard that certainly fixed that small problem.

Please close this call.

