User 7bdb8e43f2
05-08-2009 08:26:24
Server OS: Windows 2003 32bit
Database: Oracle
I am following the instructions on to install using jchem-5_2_03_2-windows.exe recently downloaded from the Chemaxon webpage.
When running the install-interact.bat script, after all the input has been gathered by the script it fails after a while with the following output:
You have entered the following parameters:
Name of the Oracle host.: localhost
Oracle listener port: 1521
Name of the Oracle instance: elndb
The host name of the JChem Server: localhost
The port at which the JChem Server accepts connections: 1099
Name of the cartridge owner: jchem
Local TNS name of the Oracle instance.: elndb
The role for basic JChem Cartridge user privileges: JCC_BASIC_ROLE
Proceed with the Install? (y,n) [n]: y
INFO: Creating schema jchem
INFO: Checking JChem Server at localhost:1099...
INFO: Loading PL/SQL script jcart.jar into jchem's schema...
INFO: Loading PL/SQL script jchem_cart.sql_i into jchem's schema...
INFO: Loading PL/SQL script jchem_util.sql into jchem's schema...
INFO: Loading PL/SQL script jchem_opti.sql into jchem's schema...
INFO: Loading PL/SQL script privman.sql into jchem's schema...
INFO: Testing with user jchem...
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-29532: Java-anrop avslutades av ouppfÕngat Java-undan
tag: java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested
exception is:
java.rmi.RemoteException: Problem connecting to the followingJDBC URL: j
dbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:mydb: Listener refused the connection with the f
ollowing error:
ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descript
. Please, check the JDBC connection properties of the JChem Server.
at oracle.jdbc.driver.SQLStateMapping.newSQLException(SQLStateMapping.ja
What confuses me is the bolded part of the output. Why is it trying to connect to mydb and not elndb as I specified?
Erik Alsmyr
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
05-08-2009 09:10:53
It appears that at the time the install script was started JChem Server was already running configured with the wrong (default) database name (mydb). (Either the running server was left around from a previous JChem Cartridge installation attempt, or it was manually started.)
I suggest to
- stop the running JChem Server,
- drop the JCHEM schema and
- restart the installation.
User 7bdb8e43f2
05-08-2009 11:50:39
Hello Peter,
Thank you for your reply.
The installer seems to fail to start the server.
C:\Program Files\ChemAxon\JChem\cartridge>install-interact.bat
Name of the Oracle host. [localhost]:
Oracle listener port [1521]:
Name of the Oracle instance [mydb]: elndb
The host name of the JChem Server [localhost]:
The port at which the JChem Server accepts connections [1099]:
maximum memory allocated to JChem Server [700m]: 100m
INFO: Checking JChem Server at localhost:1099...
====> Trying to start JChem Server...
java.lang.RuntimeException: An error occurred, while starting JChem Server. Plea
se, consult the JChem Server logs for more information.
at chemaxon.jchem.cartridge.install.InstallCmdLine.checkStartNewJChemSer
at chemaxon.jchem.cartridge.install.InstallCmdLine.getCheckJChemServerPa
at chemaxon.jchem.cartridge.install.InstallCmdLine.getParamsInteractivel
at chemaxon.jchem.cartridge.install.InstallCmdLine.install(InstallCmdLin
at chemaxon.jchem.cartridge.install.InstallCmdLine.main(InstallCmdLine.j
C:\Program Files\ChemAxon\JChem\cartridge>server.bat start
C:\Program Files\ChemAxon\JChem\cartridge>"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\bin
\java.exe" -server -Xrs -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -Dchemaxon.jchem.cartridg
e.config.file="C:\Program Files\ChemAxon\JChem\cartridge\\conf\"
tor -Djava.awt.headless=true -classpath "C:\Program Files\ChemAxon\JChem\lib\jch
em.jar" chemaxon.jchem.cartridge.server.Bootstrapper start
INFO: Server control process started
INFO: Using classpath: C:\Program Files\ChemAxon\JChem\lib\jchem.jar;
INFO: Server process start-ed.
INFO: Directory licenses does not exist. Leaving it to LicenseHandler to check t
he default location for licenses.
INFO: Listening on network interface at port 1099...
As you see above starting the server with the server.bat start command succeeds immediately after the installer has exited from its failure.
If I then run the installer again against the running server it goes thru successfully. So I am past the step.
I was unable to find any logs mentioning why the installer failed to start the server. The \JChem\cartridge\logs\ folder was never written to during the install attempt that failed to start the server.
I go on with my installation now, hopefully wihout any further issues.