User 6f58eb8616
30-07-2009 10:37:55
I have just got the new JChem Java API ( V 5.2.3_1) as there is a couple of fixes in there, previously I was running V 5.1.3_2. I notice that the Canonicalisation algorithm has changed eg:
input SMILES: CN1CC[C@]23[C@H]4Oc5c3c(C[C@@H]1[C@@H]2C=C[C@@H]4O)ccc5O
Canonicalised with V 5.2.3_1: CN1CC[C@]23[C@H]4Oc5c(O)ccc(C[C@@H]1[C@@H]2C=C[C@@H]4O)c35
Canonicalised with V 5.1.3_2: CN1CC[C@@]23[C@H]4Oc5c2c(C[C@@H]1[C@@H]3C=C[C@@H]4O)ccc5O
Obviously all the canonical forms are equivalent but my question is do we need to upgrade the SMILES stored in our database running the JChem Cartidge ? As we use the Java API to create SQL queries is it possible that any of the Chemaxon functions (eg: jc_compare, jc_equals, jc_compare, jc_tanimoto etc) will not work in exactly the same way beacause we will be including SMILES strings in a different canonical form (generated by the new API) ?
Hope this makes sense.
Thanks in advance.