Problem with migrated DATABASE and seltable.jsp page

User 2f67f74af0

21-08-2008 15:04:16

Hello every one,

I have a server running on Fedora 8. On this server I'm using MySQL V. 5.0.67, ChemAxon V. 5.0, jdk1.6, and tomcat 6.0.16.

We decided to switch to RedHat Enterprise version 5. On RH I'm using MySQL V. 5.0.67, ChemAxon V. 5.1, jdk1.6 and tomcat 6.0.16.

I backed up my DB on the Fedora server, tar the db.sql file, move it to RedHat server using scp command, then ran the db.sql file to create the DATABASE on the RH server.

Every thing went fine.

The problem I faced is that when I try to use the example bundled with ChemAxon, the drop down table menu shows only one table name, specifically the table name I enter when I setup the example using setup.jsp.

On the Fedora server when ever I create a new table using JChem, the table name automatically shows up in the drop down menu. The same apply on the RH server.

So why are the names of tables don't show up in the drop down menu of seltable.jsp page for the migrated DATABASE??

Any help will be appreciated.



User 2f67f74af0

21-08-2008 20:01:18

Hi every one,

I figured it out. The trick I used is to create the exact set of tables in the new server, i.e the table names in the server you are migrating to should match the table names in the server you are migrating from. You don't need of course to import any structures into this new created tables. Because it's wast of time, beside when you run the .sql to create the DB they will be dropped any way.

There might be a different way that I'm not aware of. If so, please let us know.



ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

21-08-2008 22:10:00


I think you probably haven't migrated the property table.

(I assume instead of migrating a DATABASE you were migrating TABLES, right ?)

The default name for the property table is "JChemProperties".

This is the table which holds information on all other tables.

If a table is not listed here, JChem won't "see" it, as it could be any other database table.

With the trick you described, you have just created the property table and added the necessary information to it.

This may work, but if the table settings were different from the default in can mean inconsistency problems.

Because there can be also other relations between various tables and database object created by JChem, migrating the whole database (with all objects) is the recommended option.

Best regards,


User 2f67f74af0

22-08-2008 15:12:56

Hello Szilard
I think you probably haven't migrated the property table.

(I assume instead of migrating a DATABASE you were migrating TABLES, right ?)
No, I migrated the whole Database including the property table of course. Had I migrated tables on a single base, I would expected such behavior or result. But because I migrated the whole DB, I was expecting it to work.



ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

22-08-2008 15:48:52


I think comparing the contents of the property tables (the original and the fixed) would be a good idea then.

It could provide more information on what was the difference.

Best regards,


User 2f67f74af0

25-08-2008 14:50:43


I did some more test on this issue, here is what I did in steps:

On my old Fedora server I created a DB and a set of tables and property table, imported some .sdf files into these tables. I named the property table here (JChemProperties)

On the new RH server I created DB and same set of tables name as on Fedora, just empty tables. Here the property table name was JChemPropertiesXX.

The reason I gave the property tables different name is to see which property table will be used by the migrated DB.

After I migrated the DB from Fedora to RH I figured out that the new DB created on the RH server when I run .sql file uses the already existing property table i.e this one (JChemPropertiesXX).

The test was done by renaming both property tables one at a time. When I rename the migrated prop. table (JChemProperties) to different name , there is NO error of (property table doesn't exist). But when I rename the property table that created on RH server there is an error of (property table doesn't exist)



ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

25-08-2008 22:15:38


The appropriate property table is used according to connection parameters set for the application.

Note: You may have different settings for your web application and your desktop applications (e.g. JChemManager).
