[Q] Cartridge on Oracle11g problem

User bf3dbc99cf

04-06-2008 01:29:06

I have installed JChem Cartridge in windows 2003 enterprise with ORACLE11g multilingual.

I can substructure search as cartridge owner JCHEM/JCHEM, but I cannot search as another user A_USER/A_USER;

Can anyone help me??


I have installed java-sdk, oracle 11g, jchem, jchem licenses.

Next, I have installed jchem cartridge as in the installation gude, and tested the following as jchem-owner JCHEM/JCHEM :

call jchem_core_pkg.use_password( 'JCHEM' ); -> (OK)

select jchem_core_pkg.getenvironment() from dual; -> (OK)

and all was OK.

And when I submit the search query, I got the proper answers.

select cd_smiles from JCHEM.DATABASE where jc_contains( cd_smiles, 'c1ccccc1' ) = 1; -> (OK)

But, I have installed another user for jchem users,

create user a_user identified by a_user; grant connect to a_user;

grant resource to a_user;

grant create synonym to a_user;

call dbms_java.grant_permission( 'A_USER', 'SYS:java.net.SocketPermission', 'localhost', 'resolve'); -> (OK)

call dbms_java.grant_permission( 'A_USER', 'SYS:java.net.SocketPermission', 'localhost', 'connect,resolve'); -> (OK)

sqlplus jchem/jchem @privman.sql

call privman_pkg.grants_on_jcobjs('JCHEM', 'A_USER', 'A_USER.JCHEMPROPERTIES', 1); -> (OK)

grant execute on privman_pkg to A_USER; -> (OK)

call jchem.privman_pkg.syns_for_jcobjs('JCHEM'); -> (OK)

When I tested the configuration with user A_USER, I got the following error.

SQL> call jchem_core_pkg.use_password('jchem');

ORA-29540: chemaxon/jchem/cartridge/JFunctions class does not exists.

Can anyone help me?

ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

04-06-2008 07:09:57

There is an additional step (missing from the documentation) to setup a user on Oracle 11g. You have to grant execute privilege on the Java classes loaded into Oracle using the -grant option of the loadjava program:

loadjava.bat -grant <jcart-user> -user jchem/<password>@<dbname> jcart.jar

(Obviously, if you have multiple users, <jcart-user> is preferably a role which you set up to manage privileges for JChem Cartridge users.)
