setStructureCaching deprecated

User 86810cf9fa

23-04-2008 07:32:24

Dear Support,

The method setStructureCaching is deprecated since JChem 3.1.6 (I think) but we need to use setStructureCaching(false) for our application in different cases. Is there a way to simulate this method with the new version of JChem.

Thank you for your answer.

Best regards,


ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

23-04-2008 08:36:10

Dear Severine,

Yes, it has been deprecated almost exactly 2 years ago.

We have removed this call from the API recently (JChem 5.0.1).

There is no other way to run the search in non-cached mode.

Could you please describe a situation where it is a problem for you ?

If confidential, please write to our support e-mail or to dorant *at* chemaxon *dot* com.

Best regards,


User 86810cf9fa

28-04-2008 11:39:48

Hi Szilard,

I sent an email to you support.

Best regards,
