Maximum number of searches allowed per minute is exceeded

User 325f2762fd

14-04-2008 15:25:12

When we are running the following query we are getting an error shown below. But when we run structure search as 't:p' it is fine. We haven't changed the license file in our server.


WHERE jc_compare(SALT_SOLVATE_SMILES,'C[C@H](O)C(=O)O','t:e') = 1



WHERE jc_compare(SALT_SOLVATE_SMILES,'C[C@H](O)C(=O)O','t:ef') = 1

ORA-29902: error in executing ODCIIndexStart() routine

ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: The following exception has been thrown by the servlet:

Exception: Maximum number of searches allowed per minute is exceeded. Please try it later.

ORA-06512: at "JCHEM.JCHEM_CORE_PKG", line 149

ORA-06512: at "JCHEM.JC_IDXTYPE_IM", line 324

ORA-06512: at line 1




Oracle Database 10g Release - Production

PL/SQL Release - Production

CORE Production

TNS for Linux: Version - Production

NLSRTL Version - Production

NLSRTL Version - Production

JChem version in the database: 3.2.6

JChem version in the Tomcat server: 3.2.6

java.vm.version: 1.5.0_04-b05

java.vm.vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.

Apache Tomcat/5.5.20



Major JDBC version in Tomcat: 10

Minor JDBC version in Tomcat: 2


Rajeev & Catherine

ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

14-04-2008 16:42:26

Rajeev & Catherine,

The license key for this particular feature is not stored in the license file. It is stored in the database (in the JChemProperties table). Have you stored the JChem Base (and JChem Cartridge) license in the database using the JChem Manager GUI?

Is this a new JChem Cartridge installation? If it is an old one, did the same SQL (with the 't:e' and 't:ef' searches) work before and did it start to fail with the license error all of a sudden?



User 325f2762fd

14-04-2008 18:22:22

Have you stored the JChem Base (and JChem Cartridge) license in the database using the JChem Manager GUI? No, Could you please explain how to we can use JChem manager GUI

Is this a new JChem Cartridge installation? No

If it is an old one, did the same SQL (with the 't:e' and 't:ef' searches) work before and did it start to fail with the license error all of a sudden? We don't know whether it worked before as it is a development database but it works fine in production database

We noticed in our production database that we have JAVA$CLASS$MD5$TABLE which was not present in development database and another database CREATE$JAVA$LOB$TABLE hasn't got any data in development database. How do they get populated?

Many Thanks

Rajeev & Catherine

User 325f2762fd

15-04-2008 08:06:42

Could also please let me know the procedure to populate JCHEM.JCHEMPROPERTIES? Is it part of cartridge installation or seperate when licenses dealt with? I would like to know how this is populated

User 325f2762fd

15-04-2008 08:13:10

We have fixed the problem by re-intalling jchem cartridge but don't really know what went wrong.

But I need to know the following:

Could also please let me know the procedure to populate JCHEM.JCHEMPROPERTIES? Is it part of cartridge installation or seperate when licenses are dealt with? I would like to know how this is populated

ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

15-04-2008 08:23:32

Could you please explain how to we can use JChem manager GUI.
The JChem Administration Guid describes how to register license keys with JChem Manager GUI: jchem/doc/admin/index.html#options . You have to select the Option menu, enter the keys and press OK.
We noticed in our production database that we have JAVA$CLASS$MD5$TABLE which was not present in development database and another database CREATE$JAVA$LOB$TABLE hasn't got any data in development database. How do they get populated?
Oracle populates them. You don't have to be concerned about them.
Could also please let me know the procedure to populate JCHEM.JCHEMPROPERTIES? Is it part of cartridge installation or seperate when licenses dealt with? I would like to know how this is populated...
Normally, you shouldn't directly access this table as JChem is maintaining it. It is created when the first jc_idxtype index is created. Index metadata is automatically stored in it during index creation. (Basically, the index parameters are kept in it.) Starting with JChem 5.0, the JCHEMPROPERTIES table(s) will "get in the way" much less frequently than with JChem 3.x, because in JChem 5.0+ license keys are handled uniformly and all license information is stored in a file.


User 325f2762fd

15-04-2008 09:32:30

How the values like "registration.code, registration.code.cartridge, registration.code.cluster, option.structureCompressionDisabled," are created in JCHEM.JCHEMPROPERTIES ?...

ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

17-04-2008 19:14:37

I am afraid I overwrote your question with my previous answer. I've replaced my answer with your question and repost, hereby, my answer.
How the values like "registration.code, registration.code.cartridge, registration.code.cluster, option.structureCompressionDisabled," are created in JCHEM.JCHEMPROPERTIES ?
The following properties are set by JChemManager GUI during license code registration (see above):




The option.structureCompressionDisabled property can be set through the "Compress MOL, RXN and SDF formats during import" option in the "Advanced" tab of the JChem Manager GUI's "Options" menu:

The property can be also set in the JChem Manager GUI's "Options" menu.
