User 963791cca3
21-02-2008 15:39:30
we have copied the licence files over to our linux server and stored under ../ChemAxon directory and ../ChemAxon/JChem/cartridge/licenses. However, starting up the jchem server hangs, no error messages. Does anyone know what could be causing this problem? Also, I believe the installation/configuration order is as follows:
1. install oracle rdbms and create a database (done, 11g on linux in our case);
2. configure environment (JVM etc.) and install Jchem (done);
3. configure jdbc driver, get the license file (done)
4. start Jchem server (hanging.....)
5. install JChemCartridge for oracle (not there yet)
6. start JChemManager and start using the system.
Am I correct? Please let me know.
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
21-02-2008 16:28:51
Why do you think the JChem Server hangs? If doesn't give any error messages, then all is fine. If there is no explicit indication of an error, I suggest just going ahead with step#5.
The sequence of steps you described appears to be fine -- except that you don't necessarily need JChem Manager in step#6. (It depends on what you intend to do with it.)
User 518e6889ea
21-02-2008 16:49:16
Based on the document "Installation of JChem Cartridge for Oracle"- starting JChem Server part, I typed in the start command as follows but no return of the prompt and no new process started. That's why I thought something is wrong......
# bash start
+ /usr/java/jre1.6.0_03/bin/java -server -Xmx700m -Djava.util.logging.config.class=chemaxon.jchem.cartridge.util.LoggingConfigurator -Dchemaxon.jchem.cartridge.config.file=conf/ -Djava.awt.headless=true -classpath ./../lib/jchem.jar:/ora11g/app/oracle/OracleHomes/db11g/sqldeveloper/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar: chemaxon.jchem.cartridge.rmi.impl.AdminImpl start
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
21-02-2008 16:54:53
I suggest to go ahead with step#5: execute the script in the cartridge directory.
User 518e6889ea
21-02-2008 20:49:46
We are trying to install and configure JChem on linux server or linux/windows PC combination. The installation part is finished. But trying to start JChemManager on linux gives us two blank windows. Any idea what could be wrong?
For the other option of running Oracle database on linux but install JChem on Windows work station, we also ran into some problem while trying to start JChemManager because of incorrect JDBC driver specification.
Can someone please post a sample connection string list for JChem Manager on windows PC with Oracle database on linux server using jdbc driver (oracle11g or 9i client on windows PC)?
JDBC driver: ?????
URL of database:??????
Property table: JChemProperties
Login name:
Your help is much appreciated.
User 518e6889ea
21-02-2008 20:52:30
Thanks, Peter. I did finish step 5 successfully. But still don't know how to start/use the software yet. The problems are posted. Any suggestions?
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
22-02-2008 08:43:23
I suggest starting with Instant JChem: It is much user-friendlier than JChem Manager (easier to configure) and has a good graphical support for searching as well. (Instant JChem currently performs searches through JChem Base, but will be extended to directly talk to JChem Cartridge.)
ChemAxon e274e1bada
22-02-2008 18:12:49