About ChemAxon and PostGreSql

User 0f28873a29

29-01-2008 13:52:36


It is possible to implement the same functions of Oracle Cartrige for

the PostgeSQL Database?

Because our academic department can't obtain the Oracle license?

I'm interest to implement this functionality for PostgreSql DB because the performance of this tools improve the performance of the chemaxon application.

Thanks for all...

ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

29-01-2008 15:02:13


The closest to Oracle's extensible indexing framework with PostgreSQL is PostGIS: http://www.postgis.org .

You will also need to access the JChem Java libraries from within PostgreSQL. You can try one of these:




ChemAxon a3d59b832c

30-01-2008 11:31:37

JChem Base can also work with PostgreSQL as a back-end to store chemical structure and other data.

User 0f28873a29

01-02-2008 20:34:08

This is true, but with Jchem base we can't compute any function of chemaxon inside the Database Server like Postgresql. All the function are compute in the applications side.

ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

01-02-2008 20:44:58

Yes, that's also true.

This is probably not relevant (only addressing a very specific need) , but if you want to calculate certain things for the molecules in the database, you can define Chemical Terms columns in the JChem Base table.

Upon any insert / modification of the structure by JChem applications / API these values are automatically calculated and can be accessed via plain SQL select.

Please see the second screenshot (and the text below) in the "Creating Structure Tables" section of the Administration Guide :


About Chemical Terms in general:


Best regards,
