JChem 5.0.0 problem with mysql-connector

User 1033cfd7dc

28-01-2008 23:37:37

Dear Support,

After upgrading to JChem 5.0.0 I still can connect to a database with mysql-connector, but when I try to create a new table with default parameters I get the following error:

'BLOB/TEXT column 'cd_sortable_formula' used in key specification without a key length'

Thanx, for any suggestion!

JChem Manager 5.0.0

JVM: Sun 1.6.0_03

OS: x86 Win XP 5.1


ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

29-01-2008 15:46:00


We are investigating the problem and plan to fix it for JChem 5.0.1.

We will get back to you soon.

Could you also let us know your MySQL version meanwhile please ?

(e.g. "mysql --version")

Best regards,


User 1033cfd7dc

29-01-2008 16:03:13

Szilard wrote:
Could you also let us know your MySQL version meanwhile please?

ChemAxon e274e1bada

01-02-2008 16:37:51


We have reconstructed the problem successfully.

We will fix this in the next bugfix release, thank you for reporting the problem.


ChemAxon e274e1bada

19-02-2008 11:18:11

JChem 5.0.1 has been released, the structure table upgrade problem has been fixed.

Sorry for this inconvenience.
