Bad version number in .class file

User bb4245cb34

04-01-2008 10:13:03

After start of JChemManager I get the next error report:


Bad version number in .class file

I use Java 1.0.6_03-b05


In Windows menu -> preferences -> Java control panel is locared only one java version and is already activated

The error message indicates that a bad version number was created in the .class file. The .class file was created during installation of java and after java was installed the ChemAxon packet.

I checked also systemvariable

seems to be OK

C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\lib\ojdbc6.jar

Any ideas as to what might be causing this problem?

Thank you for your effort

ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

04-01-2008 13:03:29


I assume you get the error when trying to connect to the database (at the connection dialog).

Most likely you have installed JChem with an installer with built-in Java (e.g. jchem-3_2_12-windows_with_jre.exe).

The installer installs a private 1.5 Java, which is not visible in the Control Panel.

The JDBC driver you are trying to use (ojdbc6.jar) requires Java 1.6.

Please either

- use ojdbc5.jar


- use the installer that comes without Java, or the non-installer version

Please let me know if this helps.

Best regards,
