operator binding errors

User 9ec4593bcc

06-06-2007 12:45:26


I am encountering the following error when attempting to perform a chemical search in SQLplus. The chemical database was created with instantJchem.

E:\JChem\cartridge>test jchem/jchem

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Jun 6 07:41:36 2007

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SQL> select cd_id from bionet where jc_contains(cd_structure,'CN1C=NC2=C1C(=O)N(C)C(=O)N2C')=1;

select cd_id from bionet where jc_contains(cd_structure,'CN1C=NC2=C1C(=O)N(C)C(=O)N2C')=1


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-29900: operator binding does not exist

ORA-06553: PLS-306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'JC_CONTAINS'

I also tried this from a different post

create or replace function charToTmpBlob(c varchar2) RETURN BLOB AS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME 'chemaxon.jchem.cartridge.JCFunctionsBlob.stringToTmpBlob(java.lang.String) return oracle.sql.BLOB';

select cd_id from bionet where jc_containsb(cd_structure, charToTmpBlob('CCCCC')) = 1;

with the following error when executing


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-29531: no method stringToBlob in class


Can someone suggest how I can perform the same search in instantJchem at the SQL Level?

ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

06-06-2007 13:23:13


The operator jc_contains has three bindings:




Based on the error message, the cd_structure column of the table bionet is probably of type BLOB. You might then want to cast the query parameter to raw, so the (BLOB, BLOB) binding is used by the Oracle parser:

select count(*) from bionet where jc_contains(cd_structure, utl_raw.cast_to_raw('CN1C=NC2=C1C(=O)N(C)C(=O)N2C'))=1;

Conversely, if the cd_structure column was of type CLOB, you could use:

select count(*) from bionet where jc_compare(cd_structure, 'CN1C=NC2=C1C(=O)N(C)C(=O)N2C', 't:s') = 1;

the jc_compare operator having a (CLOB, VARCHAR2, VARCHAR2) binding as well.

Note that you'll need to create a jc_idxtype index on the cd_structure column in any case before searching with JChem Cartridge:

create index jcxbionet on bionet(cd_structure) indextype is jchem_326.jc_idxtype
where jchem_326 is the schema where jchem cartridge has been installed.



ChemAxon fa971619eb

06-06-2007 13:43:49

You mentioned Instant JChem in your question.

I'm nore sure about the significance of this as Instant JChem does not yet have direct support for the JChem cartridge, only JChem base.

You might be able to run the equivalent search using the Instant JChem query builder, but you can't run queries directly at the SQL level.

Please explain more if I have misunderstood.


User 9ec4593bcc

06-06-2007 14:23:13

Thanks for your quick reply. I ran into another error when trying to create the index on the bionet(cd_structure) field.

SQL> create index jcxbionet on bionet(cd_structure) indextype is jc_idxtype;

create index jcxbionet on bionet(cd_structure) indextype is jc_idxtype


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine

ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception:

java.lang.RuntimeException: The index on table 'JCHEM.BIONET' contains obsolete

data. (Current index version: 37, index version for 'JCHEM.BIONET': 36.) Please

recreate the index with the 'regenerateTable' option.

ORA-06512: at "JCHEM.JCHEM_CORE_PKG", line 52

ORA-06512: at "JCHEM.JC_IDXTYPE_IM", line 17

SQL> create index jcxbionet on bionet(cd_structure) indextype is jc_idxtype para


create index jcxbionet on bionet(cd_structure) indextype is jc_idxtype parameter



ERROR at line 1:

ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine

ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal option: regeneratetable

ORA-06512: at "JCHEM.JCHEM_CORE_PKG", line 52

ORA-06512: at "JCHEM.JC_IDXTYPE_IM", line 17

Any suggestions?

ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

06-06-2007 14:45:42

Please, specify the value 'true' for the index parameter:

create index jcxbionet on bionet(cd_structure) indextype is jchem_326.jc_idxtype parameters('regenerateTable=true');

(As a matter of fact, it does not really matter what value you specify. You just have to specify a value in order to trigger regeneration. Nonsensically, even with 'regenerateTable=false', the table will be regenerated.)

This is a documentation bug and a bug in the error message as well. It will be fixed in the next JChem release.



User 9ec4593bcc

06-06-2007 15:48:36

Thanks! The index was created successfully and searches executed.