MCS search

User f7d8837169

25-04-2007 22:57:33

I trying to use JChem to calculate MCES using the following command:

java -v -q q.smiles -t t.smiles -m MCES -w

q.smiles contains:


t.smiles contains:


my understating is that when trying to calculate MCES the algorithm will look for the substructure with maximum number of bonds!? the MCES for the case above should contain 7 bonds, but I get the MCES with 6 bonds instead.

JChem version 3.2.5


ChemAxon efa1591b5a

26-04-2007 11:55:57

Hi Oleg,

you are right, MCS sould contain 7 bonds. We will trace and fix the bug; I'll let you know when new versionis available for download.
