'Any Structure' table in Jchem 3.2

ChemAxon e274e1bada

23-01-2007 12:54:07

This request has come from a user:
Dear support

I have a question about Jchem.

In Jchem3.2, I found Jchem support the 'Any Structure' table.

I would like to know the detail about the 'Any Structure' table.

Is it the query database?

The user want to save the query structures, which have some query features, in the database and search the database.

Do you have the plan to support this kind of database?

ChemAxon e274e1bada

23-01-2007 12:59:53

Table types are a new feature in JChem, from v.3.2.

All types of structures are allowed within 'Any Structure' table type, but no structure type-specific searching takes place (e.g. similarity values for reactions will not distinguish reactants, products and reaction centers, query features will not be treated properly in all cases). Tables created before JChem version 3.2 will be treated as "Any structures" to maintain previous behavior. The default type for new tables is "Molecules".

We plan to introduce designated query tables in v.3.3.

For more information about table types please see: http://www.chemaxon.com/jchem/doc/admin/index.html#create