User 34fa07fa99
05-01-2007 01:04:46
I am trying to import an SDF file using the standard procedures like:
The SDF file contains a single molecule but somehow, the importer creates a lot of empty molecules. I suspect something is wrong with the SDF file that I got from another piece of software but I am not sure what it is. At some later point my code also looks for duplicates and throws an exception in the search:
Any ideas ?
Code: |
Importer i = new Importer(); ConnectionHandler ch = getConnectionHandler(); ch.setPropertyTable(getTempPropertiesTableName()); i.setConnectionHandler(ch); i.setInput(getSdfFile()); i.setTableName(getTempTableName()); String fieldMapping = formatFieldMapping(); if (fieldMappingForJChem != null) { log.debug("Mapping : " + fieldMapping); i.setConnections(fieldMapping); } i.importMols(); |
The SDF file contains a single molecule but somehow, the importer creates a lot of empty molecules. I suspect something is wrong with the SDF file that I got from another piece of software but I am not sure what it is. At some later point my code also looks for duplicates and throws an exception in the search:
Quote: | Unknown amino acid 9 at chemaxon.marvin.modules.PeptideReader.findAminoAcids( at chemaxon.marvin.modules.PeptideReader.convert( at chemaxon.marvin.modules.PeptideImport.readMol( at chemaxon.formats.MolImporter.readMol( at at at chemaxon.util.MolHandler.importMol( at chemaxon.util.MolHandler.setMolecule( at chemaxon.jchem.db.JChemSearch.readQuery( at at chemaxon.jchem.db.JChemSearch.setRunning( at |