What are the Oracle role/privileges required to use JChem??

User 0ec4156b13

21-09-2004 12:59:50

see title

ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

21-09-2004 14:53:48


The JChem Cartridge owner can use the JChem Cartridge, if he/she has CONNECT and RESOURCE roles. (To create such a user, take the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console, go to Network/Databases/<your-database>/Security/Users, right click on SCOTT and select "Create like...")

If JChem Cartridge is going to be used by users not owning the schema where JChem Cartridge has been installed, you have to grant a few privileges. You can find below a Unix shell script which does a fairly good job of granting what is needed. This script grants EXECUTE privileges on all FUNCTION, OPERATOR, TYPE, INDEXTYPE listed in the drop.sql script plus on the jc_idxtype TYPE and creates a few synonyms.



# This script will help you enable users to use the cartridge

# if it has been installed in a schema different from that of the

# user of the cartridge. It grants the necessary rights and creates

# the necessary synonyms.







# The schema where the cartridge has been installed.




# The schema which needs to use the cartridge.




# Connect string for the cartridge owner.


# owner_connstr="jchem/tiger@pdb as sysdba"



# Connect string for the schema which needs to use the cartridge.



[ -f grant_privs.sql ] && rm grant_privs.sql;

[ -f create_syns.sql ] && rm create_syns.sql;

cat drop.sql | while read LINE


case $LINE in

\#*) ;; #comment-line


obj_type=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $2}'`

if [ "$obj_type" = "function" \

-o "$obj_type" = "operator" \

-o "$obj_type" = "type" \

-o "$obj_type" = "indextype" ];


obj_name=`echo $LINE | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d ';'`

echo "GRANT EXECUTE ON ${owner}.${obj_name} TO $user" >> grant_privs.sql;

echo "/" >> grant_privs.sql;

echo "show errors;" >> grant_privs.sql;

echo "CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM $obj_name FOR $owner.$obj_name" >> create_syns.sql

echo "/" >> create_syns.sql

echo "show errors;" >> create_syns.sql




echo "GRANT EXECUTE ON jc_idxtype TO $user" >> grant_privs.sql

echo "/" >> grant_privs.sql;

echo "show errors;" >> grant_privs.sql;

echo "CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM jc_idxtype FOR $owner.jc_idxtype" >> create_syns.sql

echo "/" >> create_syns.sql;

echo "show errors;" >> create_syns.sql;

echo quit >> grant_privs.sql

echo quit >> create_syns.sql

set -x

sqlplus "$owner_connstr" @grant_privs.sql

sqlplus "$user_connstr" @create_syns.sql

set +x

User 0ec4156b13

21-09-2004 15:12:00
