tomcat threads / multiple cart install

ChemAxon 60ee1f1328

19-12-2006 09:45:50

Firstly I have read and I can see why you might want multiple cartridge instance:

On a particular machine I have configured my JChem cartridge / jchemstreams to use all 4 threads for a given search...however I would like to confirm that this is the case as the indication is that the system resource consumption never appears to go over ~25% when running PL/SQL containing cart operators/functions? Perhaps I'm barking up the wrong tree, but some way of confirming all 4 threads are in use would be useful.

We are also looking to have to chunk larger data sets into smaller sets for joins so I wondered about having a set up where by I have a parent cartridge install and n slave cartridge installs all using same tomcat instance and thread each (this should utilise all threads?)...

Presumably all 4 cartridge instances will be able to access all tables cached in tomcat from the parent cartridge instance and you might suspect that all 4 threads will definitely be utilised?

Also, is there a way in Java or PL/SQL to determine how many threads are available for a particular system - i.e. in this case would return 4.

Thanks for any comments,


ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

19-12-2006 11:31:57

Hi Daniel,

Couldn't we divide your post into smaller topics? For example, I do not understand how using multiple cartridge instances is related to checking thread utilization in a single jchem cartridge instance.

Or maybe I misunderstand something?

To answer your question about checking thread utilization, I suggest to turn on extra output in Tomcat. You can do this by

1) pointing your WEB-browser to the JChemStreams URL (e.g. http://localhost:8090/jchemstreams);

2) following the link "Configure JChem Cartridge for Oracle...";

3) setting "Extra information to the standard error" to "on"

Having done this, output similar to the following will appear in the file <tomcat-home>/logs/catalina.out (or <tomcat-home>/logs/stdout<something> in case of Tomcat 5.0 or newer) for subsequent JChem Cartrdige searches:

Mon Jul 03 11:35:39 CEST 2006


Structure table: JCHEMUSER.JCXNCI_1K_JCX

Query: CN(C)C1=C(Cl)C(=O)c2ccccc2C1=O

Screened: 1

Hits: 1

Total time: 17 ms  Screening: 0 ms

Processing threads: 2

Current / peak / maximum searches per minute: 40 / 40 / Unlimited

Look for the line starting with "Processing threads:".

