Search to multi structure tables at one time.

User 9f7888a878

14-12-2006 03:18:47

Is there any way to seaarch from 2 structure table(or over 2 tables).

I tested as below.

1. Created two structure tables using JCman

2. UNION the two tables above to create a new structure view(Also creatred a view of xxxxxx_UL)

3. Add the necessary information to table of JCHEMPROPERTIES

Then I searched to the view. It works OK.

I want konw is this make sense? is there any better way to do this?Thanks a lot.

ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

14-12-2006 16:23:43


We do not recommend this solution at all.

Searches should always be performed on the original structure tables, and the property table should only be modified by the JChem API.

Just one practical reason why this is not a good solution:

The field cd_id is supposed to be unique in a structure table, while after the union of the two tables it's not guaranteed.

The search code takes advantage of this uniqueness and identifies the hits by cd_id which is not guaranteed to be unique in the view.

Moreover if any of the structure tables change, only their update table (<table_name>_UL) will show the changes, so the structure cache for the view will not be updated.

In short: we consider this and similar approaches "hacking", and we do not support them.

I suggest searching both tables individually.

Then it's up to the application developer how to manage the multiple hit lists. (e.g. how to display them in a GUI, etc.)

Best regards,
