Using MS Access as JChem Database

User de776a6818

17-11-2006 15:59:49

I'm a new user to JChem 3.2, running on Windows XP Pro. I'm already stuck on database issues. I have MS Access -- where can I obtain a JDBC driver for it? Basically, I would like as much information here as possible; how to set up the drivers, the database, etc. Thanks.

ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

17-11-2006 17:39:16


Actually Access is the only supported database you do not need a JDBC driver for.

(Derby will be similar once it becomes an integral part of Java)

For MS Access JChem uses the build-in ODBC-JDBC bridge of Java.

Setting up an Access Database as an ODBC data source is very easy - you do not even have to have Access installed !

(the driver is part of Windows)

Go to:

Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative tools -> Data Sources (ODBC)

Choose the "System DSN" tab, press "Add".

Chose "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)"

In the following dialog you can specify a data source name (you will use this in the database URL), and create a new database file or point to an existing one.

The basic settings are OK, nothing else have to be specified.

Now just enter the appropriate URL in JChemManager and you can connect to it.

You can find URL and driver examples in our FAQ :

Let me know if you have further questions.

Best regards,
