jcman.bat does not start the JChemManager interface

User d68ef9d5a9

08-08-2006 20:08:03


I use jcman.bat to start the JChemManager on Window, and the program seems start runing, then disappeared. It did not start the JChemManager interface. Any idea what I need to do?

Ben Li

User d68ef9d5a9

08-08-2006 20:21:17

The JChem version I am using is JChem3.1.7.1. However, I have several versions on my PC. It looks like Version 2.33 and 3.0.2 are working fine. But version 3.1.3, 3.1.4 and did not.

Ben Li

ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

09-08-2006 10:10:32

Hi Ben,

I assume it's not the GUI itself, but the command-line window that disappears.

This is unfortunate, because you cannot see the error message.

You mat run

Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt

If you navigate to the "bin" directory of the problematic JChem version (using the "cd" command) and type jcman.bat you should see the error message (or it will start).

Please take a look at the normal installation instructions :


It assumes that there is only one version present on the system, and the environmental variable JCHEMHOME points to this directory.

If you need multiple installations this variable should NOT be set.

In this case the batch files (including jcman.bat) can only be run from the "bin" directory of that installation.

Please make sure you specify this directory as the working directory if you are creating a shortcut icon.

May I ask you why do you need so many version of JChem ?

(We always recommend the latest version, it should be the best ...)

Best regards,


User d68ef9d5a9

18-08-2006 18:22:05

Hi Szilard:

Thank you for the information. It was my JVM version issue. After I changed classpath to point to right JVM. Everything was fine.

The reason I kept a few old versions in my PC is for debugging purpose. Sometimes I need to reproduce bugs or incorrect information that already in system for years, so that I can deal with them in a precise manner.

Thank you for your suggestions.

Ben Li