User 9912280a1f
06-07-2006 15:17:03
Using Version TEST_2006_06_06
call jchem_table_pkg.create_jctable('DeleteMe', 'JChemproperties', 0.5, 2, 6, null, null, 0);
Get an ORA-06553: PLS-306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'CREATE_JCTABLE' in SQLPLUS.
I cannot work out which parameter is wrong. Can you spot anything?
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
06-07-2006 15:29:23
The last parameter of this proc is declared to be a boolean. If I am not mistaken, you have to call this proc from a PL/SQL block.
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
06-07-2006 15:31:55
Also, I am not sure whether the 0.5 value for the "numberOfInts" parameter makes sense or not. (I would think it does not makes sense.)
User 9912280a1f
07-07-2006 07:14:15
Thanks Peter, I'll try from a PL/SQL block.
As for the value of number of ints, I mapped the values of the parameters to the GUI
as for the API CreateStructureTable which I got from this forum
I assumed the mappings were the same?
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
07-07-2006 07:38:30
The numberOfInts parameter means: the number of integers making up the fingerprint to be generated for the structures. More specifically the length of the fingerprint will be numberOfInts * 32 bits. If you specify 0.5, the length of the fingerprint will be 16 bits. (I obviously have to improve the documentation for the final release). 16 bits would be way too small for a typical scenario. The default is 16 integers = 512 bits.
Please see:
User 9912280a1f
07-07-2006 09:51:33
Hi Peter,
Thanks for your help so far.
I think I have uncovered a bug in the Create_JCTable stored proc. I am unable to get this to work. I initially thought it was because the database driver I was using doesn't support the Boolean datatype. So I created a wrapper stored proc which took a number rather than a boolean. However, this didn't work either. So I removed all the parameters and hardcoded them into the call to create_jctable (code below as copied from Oracle Enterprise Manager Console).
************** Start of Stored Proc Code ****************
authid current_user as
************** End of Stored Proc Code ****************
The error I get is
ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected Invalid SQL type.
I do not think it is an issue with the Oracle .NET data provider as no parameters are being passed to the wrapper (I also get the same error from SQLPLUS).
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
07-07-2006 10:23:26
Hi Paul,
coldefs parameter follows the syntax of the
--coldefs parameter of the command line
jcman ( subsection
Command line usage):
Code: |
$ jcman c strdata --coldefs ", name CHAR(200), stock INTEGER"\
--fplength 16 -l joe --driver\
--dburl jdbc:mysql://localhost/mydb -s |
Notice the comma at the start of the value to --coldefs.
Accordingly, the following works for me:
Code: |
create procedure oki as
jchem_table_pkg.create_jctable('DeleteMe', 'JChemProperties', 16, 2, 6, ', RECNO NUMBER', 'aromatize', true);
call oki(); |
Sorry for not having this in the docs. A proper doc on this feature will be prepared for the final release.
The missing comma in the VARCHAR2 parameter would not justify the Oracle error message: Quote: |
ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected Invalid SQL type. |
Still, I suggest trying first what works for me.
User 9912280a1f
07-07-2006 10:35:21
Hi Peter,
Thanks for your speedy response. I modified my wrapper stored procedure as you indicated and I still get the same error (both via VB.NET and SQLPLUS).
Could it be down to the version of the JRE I'm using? I'm using 1.5.0_07.
User 9912280a1f
07-07-2006 11:01:48
The full error message from SQLPLUS is
Code: |
SQL> call create_jctable_wrapper();
call create_jctable_wrapper()
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected Invalid SQL type |
Quote: |
Do you mean the Java version used to run Tomcat? |
Yes. That is the only Java on path.
JAVA_HOME = 'C:\Progra~1\Java\jre1.5.0_07'
'C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_07\bin' is on path.
I remember when I installed the JChem cartridge initially that the oracle JRE conflicted with 1.5.0_07, and to get it all to work I had to remove all other java versions from the path. Not sure if this is significant (it should all be backwards compatible anyway).
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
07-07-2006 11:15:54
I could reproduce the problem on Oracle 9i. I am going to check where it comes from.
User 9912280a1f
07-07-2006 11:20:42
Apologies, I should have said I was on 9i
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
07-07-2006 12:21:44
Oracle 9i does not allow the boolean type between pl/sql and java. I have to change the boolean type to number (with 0 meaning false, and everything else true).
The fix will be in the next main branch release (either in 3.2 or a test release whichever comes first).
In case you are eager to go ahead with your tests, you can apply the patch as follows:
Assume that JChem Cartridge is installed in the "jchem" schema.
1.) Decompress the attached JcTableFunctions.class.gz files
2.) Load the resulting Java class file into Oracle by executing on the command line:
Code: |
loadjava -user jchem/<pwd>@<oracle-dbname> JcTableFunctions.class |
If you are on Windows you need loadjava.bat instead of loadjava.
2.) Drop the package jchem.jchem_table_pkg
4.) Recreate the modified version of the jchem.jchem_table_pkg attached (jc.sql)
User 9912280a1f
07-07-2006 12:44:21
Thanks for that fix. I have installed it and verified that it works OK.