JChem base concurrency performance

User 6baabcf48d

29-11-2016 15:14:18



I'm currently analyzing JChem base performance under a concurrent scenario by constructing a web service according to the developer guides.


My single test request is a substructure search which takes 2 seconds to return.


Firstly, I repeat the request 10 times consecutively, each request returns in about 2 seconds as expected


Secondly, I tried to send 10 requests simultaneously, then I noticed the first request returns in about 2 seconds, second request returns in about 4 seconds, and so on, the last request returned took about 20 seconds.


It looks like the requests were handled one by one even if they arrived at the same time, is that the normal behavior as expected ? What can I do to improve the concurrency performance ?




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ChemAxon abe887c64e

30-11-2016 13:15:35

This topic will be closed because it duplicates https://www.chemaxon.com/forum/ftopic15740.html.

User 6baabcf48d

01-12-2016 02:47:00


Ok, sorry for posting twice the same question.
