clob to smiles with stereochemistry information

User 5251acc1d9

02-05-2016 17:38:39


I like to convert the clob column into smiles with stereochemistry
information in clob, with jcf.molconvertv(blobcolumn,'SMILES').
What option should I specify for SMILES:x?

I expect the output to be like ‘NC1[C@@H]2CC[C@@H](C2)C1’.




ChemAxon abe887c64e

03-05-2016 05:54:32

Hi Ling,

Tetrahedral stereo information is not lost during the default (without any export option) conversion to SMILES.

Nevertheless, here you find the list of the available export options to SMILES.

Best regards,


User 5251acc1d9

03-05-2016 14:30:02
