User d1c1a30031
27-04-2016 00:24:39
1) Which substructure matching method in JAVA Class corresponds to JCSubstrutureMatchCount in EXCEL? findAllHits or getMatchCount()?
2) substructure search using getMatchCount() in JAVA and JCSubstrutureMatchCount() in EXCEL return different results. See example below.
I have a list of substructures, including CH(aromatic), =CH- (ring). The SMARTS for CH(aromatic) and =CH- (ring) are: [cH1;a] and [CR1H1D2], respectively
target Compound: Benzene
Results returned in EXCEL is 6 matches of CH(aromatic) which is correct. However, in my JAVA code, it returns 6 matches of =CH- (ring). aromatize(true) was used to the compound.
So, what's the problem here?