Installation of JChem

User ce6750d66a

06-05-2006 05:10:50

I am facing the problems in installation of JChem. How the envioronment varibales of the XP windows system can be changed. I am not able to change the environment variable sof my system.User variables can be changed, but not the sytem variables.

In user varibales how to make entries.

Give me a detailed view on the installation of Jchem.

ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

08-05-2006 17:39:19

How the envioronment varibales of the XP windows system can be changed.
Please read the relevant section of the following page:

It writes:

Start menu -> Control panel -> System-> Advanced -> Environment variables
Can you find this dialog ?
I am not able to change the environment variable sof my system.User variables can be changed, but not the sytem variables.
Are you logged in as a user with administrator rights ?

In user varibales how to make entries.
There should be a "New" button there for this.

Best regards,
