Unable to insert modify the database using the jsp examples

User fa59d493d5

04-05-2006 08:14:10

I use the jSP example for searching, inserting and modifying compounds on a Macintosh computer under OS X 10.4. Edition and searching works well but I am unable to insert, modify or export the table.

However when I connect a PC under Windows XP to my MacIntosh I have access to all the routine of the JSP examples.

Is there something that I must modify to use the JSP examples facilities on the Mac?

ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

04-05-2006 14:43:57


We have found that there were some browser compatibility issues with the Safari browser.

Thank you for reporting this problem.

I have attached the amended files, which are compatible with the latest stable version of JChem (3.1.6).

You can simply overwrite the relevant files under


Please let me know if this helps.

Best regards,


User fa59d493d5

15-05-2006 06:14:28

I apply successfuly the jsp fix. Now I can use all the facilities of the jsp examples using Safari (Mac os X 10.4.6 Jchem 3.16

Jean Herscovici