Combing smarts into a complex expression

User 779e37e0e6

29-07-2015 21:41:19


I would like to express the smarts for a class of compounds with an aliphatic carbon chain of 13 to 21 carbon atoms, where  the longest chain of carbon has between 13 and 21 carbons and is attached to a Nitrogen atom. Examples include:


 However, I do not want to include compounds containing a carbon chain of more than 21 carbon atoms. Which means that the following compounds should not be included:



I first generated the patterns for each of the two types:

13 carbons attached to N: (A)  =>  [#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-[#7]([H])[H]

22 carbons attached to N: (B)  =>  [#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-[#7]([H])[H]

I then tried to combined those into  1 smarts [$(A)!$(B)] * to mean that the compound of interest should match A but not match B. This does not work! 

What would be the best way of describing this in one SMARTS string?

[$(A)!$(B)]: [$([#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-[#7]([H])[H])!$( [#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-,=[#6]-[#7]([H])[H])]

Thank you



ChemAxon 4fa3cf533c

30-07-2015 08:54:05

Hi Yan,

I've moved your topic to a more relevant place, my colleagues will answer soon.


Tamas Fazekas-Vigh

ChemAxon d4fff15f08

30-07-2015 09:43:42

Hi MrYan,


I am not sure whether we interpret your question right, but here is a more simple query that will hit all the 13-21 "C" atom containing aliphatic amines:

In cxsmarts format:

[#6;A]~[#6;A][#7] |Sg:n:1:12-20:ht|  having any aliphatic bonds


[#6;A][#6;A][#7] |Sg:n:1:12-20:ht|   having only single aliphatic bonds


Best regards,


User 779e37e0e6

30-07-2015 17:44:19

Hello Norbert,

Your interpretation of my question is right. Thank you for your feedback.

Is it possible to have this expressed as a daylight smarts expression?



ChemAxon 25dcd765a3

31-07-2015 10:42:44


I'm not sure, but maybe with recursive SMARTS you can describe your structure.

I have never tried this, but the following page could be a good starting point. Also there are examples here which could be examined to create your specific SMARTS expression.

I would try to enumerate the carbon chains in the recursive SMARTS part, that may work.

User 779e37e0e6

04-08-2015 06:43:55

Hi Volfi,

I have visited the page already. Thank you.

