
User 213cab6143

28-04-2006 15:07:12

How is the attached mix.mol file stored in the JChemcartridge? as a mixture or just as separate components?

Would a search with this mix.mol file be any different from searching using the attached mix_nobrackets.mol?


ChemAxon a3d59b832c

28-04-2006 17:17:17

Hi Thomas,

Unfortunately, JChem does not currently support these mix and com polymer S-groups, but I think they can be implemented if needed. (Although nested groups may be tricky.)

How important/urgent are these features for you? Do you have many such structures?

I expect these two mixtures you attached should behave similarly regarding search, what do you think?

Best regards,


User 213cab6143

10-05-2006 08:42:54

this is quite imortant for us. A potential customer is interested in doing these kinds of searching from within ConturELN. There is a need to have this functionality in the cartridge by august/september.

ChemAxon a3d59b832c

10-05-2006 08:49:06

OK, I think we can manage this time frame. Do you expect the same searching behaviour for both representations above?

User 213cab6143

10-05-2006 09:03:44

hi. great! the best would be if can include the person that is head of chemistry functionality in ConturELN. His email is andrew.mott _at_ contur.com. How do we include him in this discussion?

ChemAxon a3d59b832c

10-05-2006 09:13:47

Thanks. I have sent him an email to join our discussion.
