User 200c65b6d8
29-04-2015 23:56:37
We are replacing our existing jchem server (a Windows server) with a new Windows server, which will continue to work with our existing Oracle database server and JCHEM cartridge there. After installation, during which JCHEM schema on Oracle DB was dropped and recreated, when we try to recreate our structure index (jc_idxtype), we ran into an ORA-03113 error, and the sqlplus session as user JCHEM had to be restarted. Any pointers will be much appreciated.
A couple of relavent background information: (1) the previous time when we did index creation (after jchem server install) we had no issues on this same database server; (2) we connect as jchem user, and issue this command (works fine) before building index exec jchem_core_pkg.use_password('******');
User 200c65b6d8
30-04-2015 06:13:10
The commands we used to create structure index are the basic ones (both resulted in ORA-03113):
create index mytable_idx on mytable(structure) indextype is jchemuser.jc_idxtype;
create index mytable_idx on mytable(structure) indextype is jchemuser.jc_idxtype parameters ('structureType=anyStructures,haltOnError=nf');
ChemAxon abe887c64e
30-04-2015 08:39:52
Our guess is that there might be a connection problem in your system causing ORA-03113. Would you check the connection and retry running create index.
Best regards,
User 200c65b6d8
30-04-2015 14:17:23
Can you be more specific please? Which connection do you suspect is causing problems? Thank you!
ChemAxon abe887c64e
30-04-2015 14:27:43
Sorry for not being specific enough. I mean the connection between your SQL client and the Oracle database.
Nevertheless, could you write us the details of the error message as well?
User 200c65b6d8
30-04-2015 14:42:08
There are not a lot details in the error message. We ran the "create index..." command, and sqlplus quickly (2 or 3 seconds) gave the following lines as a response:
Error at line 1:
ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
Process ID: 18525
Session ID: 30 Serial number : 171
User 200c65b6d8
30-04-2015 14:52:12
We used both sqlplus on our database server, from our PC, and TOAD from our PC. In all cases we got the same error.
ChemAxon d4fff15f08
30-04-2015 16:00:39
It seems that the error is coming from the SQL client, and not from Oracle or Cartridge, and it is a usual error for such cases when the client believes that the connection is open while it was closed on the other part. Possible reasons for such behaviour can be a firewall, an anti-virus program, a timeout set in Oracle for remote connections, etc.
Could you please double check these settings?
Would you be so kind to test our hypotheses by the following few steps:
Login to the DB freshly and fire the create index command right away.
How much time did it take to get the mentioned error?
Best regards,
User 200c65b6d8
30-04-2015 16:08:10
In our many tries to build this index, I think we have done what you suggested. For example, once we got the ORA-03113 error (and got disconnected from db), we would log back in using "conn jchem/password@ourdb", and try to rerun the command. Within 2-3 seconds after issuing the command, the ORA error would appear.
However, we'd give it another try like you suggested, using a fresh login, and the index building command.
User 200c65b6d8
30-04-2015 16:13:21
Also, like I mentioned in my first post, we've gone through this whole process once with this same db server, and our existing jchem server. We did not experience any issues back then. The new jchem server (that we are trying to replace our existing one) has a newer Windows server version, while everything else is the same (JAVA version, JCHEM version). We couldn't think of anything that may have caused the error this time around.
ChemAxon abe887c64e
12-05-2015 07:12:41
The discussion of this topic was continued in email.