Can I try JChem without a database server ?

15-07-2004 18:54:14

Is it possible to try JChem before setting up a company database ?

ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

15-07-2004 19:06:26

If you have Windows, I recommend Microsoft Access.

You can use Access without installation (the necessary ODBC data source is installed by default in Windows, even if the program itself is not installed).

Also, you don't have to worry about user creation and other administrative problems.

All you have to do is to go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC)

Select the "System DSN" tab, and press "Add".

Select Microsoft Access Driver

In the following screen you have to specify data source name, for example "myAccess".

Press "Create" in the database section

You have to specify a file name, which will hold the data.

The default options are OK.

Start JChemManager and connect to the database (by typing "jcman").

The following connection data should be specified:

Driver: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver

URL: jdbc:odbc:myAccess

Property table: JChemProperties

Login: [none]

Password: [none]

From now, you can create tables and import your structure files.

If you want to try with a "real" database, MySQL is also small, easy to install and free.