User 82b20b535e
28-11-2014 13:50:06
We are upgrading from SQL Server 2008 to 2014. We have many products of Chem Axon version 6.1.2 and question is does Chem Axon version 6.1.2 supports SQL Server 2014 database. I see that JChem manager and .NET components uses JDBC driver and I am not sure if current Chem Axon version 6.1.2 supports SQL Server 2014. Need your guidance ?
ChemAxon d4fff15f08
28-11-2014 16:31:22
Hi DJ,
The release date of SQL Server 2014 is April 1, 2014
The release date of JChem 6.1.2 is October 17th, 2013
that means that we could not have in our scope to be compatible with MSSQL 2014
Unfortunately we are not testing our older releases with newer versioned RDBMS's so we have no information on their compatibility.
Irrespectively of the above in theory MSSQL is compatible backwards - as far as I know -, which means that the 2014 version is able to handle the functionality of the 2008. Moreover, you can even set a DB level compatibility, so you can have a DB that behaves as a 2008 under a 2014 engine.
Based on the above we would recommend you testing your JChem 6.1.2 system very thoroughly with SQL Server 2014; it should work in theory.
All the bests,
P.S. we would be really interested in your experience.
User 82b20b535e
28-11-2014 16:49:51
Hi Norbert,
Thanks for your response. I have very very limited knowledge on ChemAxon and products may need your help. I may new to the legacy system which I am currently working.
One Question I have is I see that SQL Server has backward compatibility and I tested that. My concern was with Chem Axon SQL Drivers if there are any custom code written in Chem Axon sql drivers as I use the .NET components as well?
I would surely share my experience here after upgrade is complete.
ChemAxon d4fff15f08
01-12-2014 12:53:45
Hi DJ,
I've consulted the guys from .NET team, and found out, that we are providing our releases with jTDS drivers, but also tested it with Microsoft's driver and it appeared to be working with both. The only issue we have discovered is the integrated authentication from Win2012, but there is a workaround for it also (let me know if you need it).
I hope I could help you.
Best regards,
User 82b20b535e
01-12-2014 14:02:54
Hi Norbert,
Thanks for your response. I can now go ahead with the upgrade. If I come across any issues I would submit the request and thanks for all your help again.