modify the jchemsite file - forms

User f52820d97e

22-03-2006 20:05:10


This may sound like a very stupid question but there it is. I cannot make any sense of the Marvin View Form used in the example JSP.

I tried to add some customization to the .jchemsite file, via the setup.jsp interface. Everything is taking into account except what I write in the "Additional properties" field. I am really confused about the way the name TABLE_NAME.form.FORM_NAME must be written.

Let's say I have a table STRUCTURES in a database named CERMN.

I tried STRUCTURES.form.jchemform, CERMN.STRUCTURES.form.jchemform and none of the properties associated work: either the rows, cols, or cell.

I guess the FORM_NAME must be changed, but to what and where is the form specified in any of the jsp (I looked into the searchresults.jsp where mview is used, but could not find the reference)...

I know I am doing something wrong, could you help me?

I must add I am not JSP fluent...

Thank you in advance

Nicolas Saettel


Nicolas Saettel, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CERMN

ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

23-03-2006 12:59:54


The following format applies to forms:


<table_name> is the name of the structure table.

If the DB support schemata (e.g. Oracle), the schema should also be present (e.g. SCOTT.MYTABLE). Otherwise only the table name is required (e.g. MySQL)

<form_name> is the name of the form, you decide.

This appears at the table selection screen.

Of course properties belonging to the same form should have the same name.

: cols, cell, layout, etc.

At the table selection after selecting the specified table is the form available in the form selection combo box ?

Please also see the following page for further information:

Best regards,


User f52820d97e

23-03-2006 18:09:21

Thank you for the answer, I get it now... I can see it in the seltable.jsp, and I can play around with the forms!