User a7dba01ddd
30-05-2014 14:35:21
Dear Support,
We download ACD RDF files from Accelrys and upload to oracle schema through a customized package. The package use JCF Functions like jcf.molconvert, jcf.standardize, jcf.evaluate etc.
we are getting below error while data gets load into oracle schema for few molecules.
"exception error: ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: chemaxon.jchem.cartridge.oresident.nonindxscan.NonIdxScanException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:"
Please Could you please guide us to get rid of this error .
Any help is welcome.
Thanks and Regards,
Rohit Gupta
ChemAxon abe887c64e
02-06-2014 09:47:23
Dear Rohit Gupta,
Could you please write more details about your customized package? What kind of a table would you like to insert the structures and their data? Do you use the jchem_table_pkg.jc_insert
function? Is this table indexed by jc_indextype ?
Could you localize the step in your customized package code where the cited exception is thrown?
Thank you,
User a7dba01ddd
03-06-2014 08:00:00
Hi Krisztina,
Thanks for your quick response !!
We are using custom built oracle package to load the ACD files. Inside this package we are calling many Jchem functions to evaluate clogP value or isomer conversion from structure in .mol format.
We are not using jchem_table_pkg.jc_insert
function or jc_indextype indexes instead the conversion is done using Jchem Base/ Cartridge. Sample of the customized package is as below.
v_isomer := jcf.molconvert(v_mol_txt, 'smiles:a');
v_num_out := ROUND(jcf.evaluate(v_mol,'logp'),2);
where v_mol_txt and v_mol is molecule structure in text format.
Thanks and Regards,
Rohit Gupta
ChemAxon abe887c64e
03-06-2014 09:56:34
Would you send some specific example structures together with the applied JCF function where the exception is thrown?
Furthermore, the log files - found in <installed JChem's home>/cartridge/logs - could help to identify the cause of the problem, please, send them to jccartridge-support at chemaxon dot com email address.
Thank you,