User 7270ac6c0e
17-02-2006 15:11:45
We have a couple thousand structures in rxn format that I'm trying to insert into
a db-table using the UpdateHandler from jchem. On a few of this structures a
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown, always on the same row in MdlCompressor (384)
but on different indexes.
I have also tried to use chemaxon.formats.MdlCompressor directly on the failing
rxn-files and get a similar exception.
(chemaxon.formats.MdlCompressor.main( new String[] { "c", "0401011031_14.rxn" } );)
Importing the structure into ISIS/Draw the structure looks ok.
Opening the structure in a Marvin applet the structure looks
all garbled up, and the parts are drawn on top of each other.
I have attached one of the failing rxn-files.
Is the exception due to errors in the rxn or is the problem somewhere else?
program versions:
jchem 3.1.5
java 1.5.0_03
DB is MySql
rxn file i s attached.
Partial stacktrace:
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 26
at chemaxon.formats.MdlCompressor.convertCtab(
at chemaxon.formats.MdlCompressor.convert(
at chemaxon.formats.MdlCompressor.convert(
at chemaxon.jchem.db.UpdateHandler.setFields(
at chemaxon.jchem.db.UpdateHandler.setFields(
at chemaxon.jchem.db.UpdateHandler.execute(
at chemaxon.jchem.db.UpdateHandler.execute(
Johan, Biotage AB
a db-table using the UpdateHandler from jchem. On a few of this structures a
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown, always on the same row in MdlCompressor (384)
but on different indexes.
I have also tried to use chemaxon.formats.MdlCompressor directly on the failing
rxn-files and get a similar exception.
(chemaxon.formats.MdlCompressor.main( new String[] { "c", "0401011031_14.rxn" } );)
Importing the structure into ISIS/Draw the structure looks ok.
Opening the structure in a Marvin applet the structure looks
all garbled up, and the parts are drawn on top of each other.
I have attached one of the failing rxn-files.
Is the exception due to errors in the rxn or is the problem somewhere else?
program versions:
jchem 3.1.5
java 1.5.0_03
DB is MySql
rxn file i s attached.
Partial stacktrace:
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 26
at chemaxon.formats.MdlCompressor.convertCtab(
at chemaxon.formats.MdlCompressor.convert(
at chemaxon.formats.MdlCompressor.convert(
at chemaxon.jchem.db.UpdateHandler.setFields(
at chemaxon.jchem.db.UpdateHandler.setFields(
at chemaxon.jchem.db.UpdateHandler.execute(
at chemaxon.jchem.db.UpdateHandler.execute(
Johan, Biotage AB