ORA-00020 errors

User 46924c5277

27-02-2014 15:44:33

I've searched the documentation and the forum and haven't found any hints about the proper setting of the Oracle maximum processes parameter.

At one installation (at which, unfortunately, I am not the DBA) we fairly frequently get ORA-00020 max processes exceeded errors.  These don't appear to actually hurt anything as far as we can tell, but they bother the DBA.  Is there a recommendation for the setting of the Oracle parameter controlling how many processes are allowed to run at one time?  Currently it's 200, which I believe is the default value. 



ChemAxon 61b4fee994

28-02-2014 11:23:38

Hi Bob,

We don't have a recommendation, because it depends mostly on the environment and not JChem Cartridge itself. There are some extra connections in a connection pool for the JChem Server, but it won't create many extra processes and usually don't cause a  heavy increase in the number of used processes. We have a test system with a huge number of users and tests (about 30 at the same time with multiple cartridge instances installed) working on it in parallel with 1000 available processes and we didn't have any problem with it (right now I checked and there were about 350 processes running). So increasing this value to 500 should be enough in normal cases. If you or the DBA want to check the processes running I suggest running the following simple query (it needs some privileges which a standard user don't receive):

select S.*,P.*
where P.ADDR=S.PADDR(+)
order by sid;

If you change the number of processes it may be useful to increase the number of sessions and transactions too as they are usually related.

