User 55ffa2f197
17-02-2014 19:15:16
Hi, currenty i am using following SQL statement to find molecules that may contain the isotopes of any kinds given that we know its smiles string:
select smiles from mol_properties where REGEXP_LIKE(smiles, '\[\d+[A-Z]', 'n')
the smiles are not aromatized in the database table mol_properties, i know there might be problem with the way I did. Any better way to do this. We also put the cartrige index on the smiles string, so ideal solution would take advantage of the cartridge function, i could not find any cartrige function for doing this based on a jchem function.
ChemAxon d26931946c
18-02-2014 11:47:52
I've moved your question to the appropriate forum.
My colleges will answer you shortly.
ChemAxon abe887c64e
18-02-2014 13:48:51
Hi Dong,
Would you try to use jc_evaluate operator with hasIsotope() chemical term as its parameter?
Best regards,
User 55ffa2f197
18-02-2014 14:56:17
Hi Krisztina,
Yeh, i was looking at the jc_evaluate before but i am looking at the elementalAnalysis section, instead of the general section, that is how i missed the function. I tried the function, it works fine. However when i applied it to over 3 million mols in the database it took almost 10 minutes to finsh the evaluation though we put the cartridge index on the blob formated molecules. I guess the function did not take advantage of the cartridge. Thf cuntion is still useful when it comes to evaluate singleton molecules.
Thanks for your help!