Display Tanimoto Coefficient?

User 8c57fe7217

31-01-2014 14:08:43

When doing a similarity search In InstantJChem:

1. What features are being compared in the "chemical hashed fingerprint"?

2. If I set the Tanimoto coefficient to, say, >/= 0.75, is it possible to have the individual values of the Tanimoto coefficient displayed as an additional column in the spreadsheet or grid? For example, I would like to know that some of my structures have a Tanimoto coefficient of 0.75 whereas others might be 0.80 or 0.95, etc.

Thank you.

ChemAxon 2bdd02d1e5

03-02-2014 10:33:21

Hi, I can only answer the question #2.

It's not possible to display more coefficients when performing substructure search.
There is possible workaround by using Chemical Terms fields:

Unfortunately this means that you have to create several columns for a single query to be able to compare the results.

For #1, my colleagues with better understanding of similarity search will answer you soon.



ChemAxon abe887c64e

03-02-2014 11:09:19

Hi, please find here detailed information about chemical hashed fingerprint generation applied in ChemAxon's products.

Best regards,
