Problem with the export in JChemManager

User e47fc0b649

31-01-2006 18:39:37


I have installed JChemManager on my linux computer. I had created before a postgres database named BD_CMBA_SA and I use a JDBC driver for postgres localised in:


The version of JChemManager I use is 3.1.5 (as you can see on the jcman_about.jpg image).

I don't have any problem to connect my database with JChemManager using the parameters listed on the image jcman_log.jpg. I don't have problems anymore to create a table, import structures in my table, delete rows, etc... But when I tempt to export my table in a SDF format (or any other format, excepting sometimes in SMILES...), a message error is prompted on the console:

[aci@delta4002 aci]$ java.lang.NullPointerException

at chemaxon.jchem.db.SQLToFileHandler.dbRowToRecord(

at chemaxon.jchem.db.SQLToFileHandler.writeNext(



and a pop-up window give me the same shortly message, given on the image jcman_error1.jpg.

I have the same problem when I use your jsp example (jchem/examples/jsp1_x/). All the modules work except the export of the molecules. Please, could you give me an explanation and, if possible, a solution for this problem?

Thanks a lot in advance, best regards,

Samia ACI

ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

31-01-2006 20:28:29


We could reproduce the problem.

It is PostgreSQL specific, and occurs when some data fields are also exported - this can explain why it might work better with SMILES, as we do not export data for this format by default.

We have located and fixed the problem, our the next JChem release will contain the fix.

Until then I have prepared a jchem.jar with the same code as 3.1.5, the only difference is this bugfix.

You can download it from the following location:

Just replace the old jchem.jar with this one, and everything should work fine.

Many thanks for the detailed bug report.

Kind regards,


User e47fc0b649

01-02-2006 08:03:18

Thanks a lot for your so quick answer and for the new jchem.jar file. My JChemManager works perfect now.

Best regards

Samia ACI