User e47fc0b649
31-01-2006 18:39:37
I have installed JChemManager on my linux computer. I had created before a postgres database named BD_CMBA_SA and I use a JDBC driver for postgres localised in:
The version of JChemManager I use is 3.1.5 (as you can see on the jcman_about.jpg image).
I don't have any problem to connect my database with JChemManager using the parameters listed on the image jcman_log.jpg. I don't have problems anymore to create a table, import structures in my table, delete rows, etc... But when I tempt to export my table in a SDF format (or any other format, excepting sometimes in SMILES...), a message error is prompted on the console:
[aci@delta4002 aci]$ java.lang.NullPointerException
at chemaxon.jchem.db.SQLToFileHandler.dbRowToRecord(
at chemaxon.jchem.db.SQLToFileHandler.writeNext(
and a pop-up window give me the same shortly message, given on the image jcman_error1.jpg.
I have the same problem when I use your jsp example (jchem/examples/jsp1_x/). All the modules work except the export of the molecules. Please, could you give me an explanation and, if possible, a solution for this problem?
Thanks a lot in advance, best regards,
Samia ACI
I have installed JChemManager on my linux computer. I had created before a postgres database named BD_CMBA_SA and I use a JDBC driver for postgres localised in:
The version of JChemManager I use is 3.1.5 (as you can see on the jcman_about.jpg image).
I don't have any problem to connect my database with JChemManager using the parameters listed on the image jcman_log.jpg. I don't have problems anymore to create a table, import structures in my table, delete rows, etc... But when I tempt to export my table in a SDF format (or any other format, excepting sometimes in SMILES...), a message error is prompted on the console:
[aci@delta4002 aci]$ java.lang.NullPointerException
at chemaxon.jchem.db.SQLToFileHandler.dbRowToRecord(
at chemaxon.jchem.db.SQLToFileHandler.writeNext(
and a pop-up window give me the same shortly message, given on the image jcman_error1.jpg.
I have the same problem when I use your jsp example (jchem/examples/jsp1_x/). All the modules work except the export of the molecules. Please, could you give me an explanation and, if possible, a solution for this problem?
Thanks a lot in advance, best regards,
Samia ACI