Problem adding inchikey column with JChem Manager

User 5d0ba25a7c

28-11-2013 07:35:54


I am trying to do something quite simple (I think) - add an InChiKey column to an existing JChem database table.  However, when I attempt to add a Chemical Terms column using the expression:




I see the error:



Error while evaluating expression:


No input molecule.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

(I am using JChem Manager 6.1.2; JVM 1.7.0_07; OS amd64 Windows Server 2008 R2 6.1 - and connecting to a postgreSQL 9.2 database.)


Kind regards



ChemAxon d4fff15f08

28-11-2013 14:37:17

Hi James,


Thank you for dragging our attention to this issue. We could reproduce it, and will fix it in short term.

Although the functionality is erroneous in GUI, it could be set combining the GUI and the command line options following these steps:

- create a table (you already have it)

- import structures into the table (you already have yours populated)

- add a new column using GUI but leaving the "Chemical terms expression" filed empty

- go to command line and apply the './jcman m [tablename] --set-ctcolcfg "[CT_column_name]=molString('inchikey')" ' command.


Please, let us know if this workaround causes you any trouble. You may find a detailed description about JChem Manager functionality here:


Best regards,


User 5d0ba25a7c

06-01-2014 19:37:02

Hi Norbert,

I just got around to repeating this test via the GUI with the latest version of JChem - it looks like the problem still exists(?)  Anyway, thanks for the workaround - I will use this for now.


Kind regards



ChemAxon d4fff15f08

07-01-2014 10:52:51

Hi James,


I have to confirm that the fix was not included in the newest 6.1.5 release, it will come out in a later one (not sure in which one yet).


Thanks for your patience.

Best regards,
